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Colorado Continulously Attracts Young People

A breakdown of the state's current population by age

Tom Binnings //February 18, 2018//

Colorado Continulously Attracts Young People

A breakdown of the state's current population by age

Tom Binnings //February 18, 2018//

I often get inquiries about product and service demands. One determinant of demand is population and demographic characteristics such as age. The Colorado State Demography Office is a great source for population estimates and forecasts. This office is a division of the Colorado Department of Local Affairs and has the responsibility of assisting state and local governments with quality and timely demographic information that it gathers from numerous sources. If you’re looking for key information about your market spend some time wondering around their website.

Below is a chart from their website. 

It’s an image of the current estimate of population by age.  Check it out.  You can vary the year and county or look at a 60-year animated progression.

Here is one interesting observation. In 1990 people aged 29 to 33 (born between 1957 and 1961) represented the mode of the population distribution. There were more people that age than in any other age group with about 64,000 per age. At that time the 29-33 age group was part of the Baby Boomer generation. As those Baby Boomers aged, they have increased in size to an average of about 70,000 for each age (see the graph for people aged 57 to 64).  As noted in the graph, the mode, or peak point in the graph is still represented by people in their late 20s and early 30s.

Now they are Millennials.

The take away? 

The population of Colorado seems to peak in the late 20s to early 30s regardless of the generation.  There is something about the state that attracts younger people as they are thinking about settling down. And by the way, those Baby Boomers will be here a while.  The 2030 forecast shows about 65,000 people born in each year between 1957 and 1961 living in Colorado.