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Take out the head trash!

Gary Harvey //February 7, 2011//

Take out the head trash!

Gary Harvey //February 7, 2011//

There really are voices in your head. We call them your scripts, tapes and records. Those “self-limiting” records/ beliefs we carry around with us all the time, 24/7. Voices that keep you from doing what you know consciously you need to do during your sales calls.  I call it our “head trash,” and we all have some.

It is very ingrained and powerful in a negative way. It can be the voice of your teachers, your parents, grandparents, your piano teacher, or your little league coach — any authority figure in your life that you interacted with frequently as you were growing up. Voices which have now become your own voice, collectively known as negative self-talk, our “head trash”. We all carry some amount of this.

“Don’t ask so many questions,” “You’re making a pest of yourself,” “You’re not ready,” “They won’t trust you,” “You’re doing it wrong,” “You need more practice,” “You don’t know what you’re talking about” – and the list goes on. While these voices may have been appropriate at some point (and I emphasize may have) they are no longer appropriate.

Some voices were scripted in us to protect us when we were young. “Don’t talk to strangers.” Look both ways before you cross the street.” However, other voices like “Don’t rock the boat.” “Only speak when spoken to,” and many other self-limiting voices that can impede success when selling. Guess what? You don’t have to listen. Tell them to be quiet. Why? Think of these self-limiting voices as you sell. To be successful in selling you “have ” to talk to strangers when you prospect. You “have” to ask questions. Sometimes you “have” to rock the boat to get in front of a prospect. But these voices will often stop you from doing these necessary behaviors.

Make a list of all the people on your sales calls who are not helping you sell. Include parents, teachers, spouses, (supposed) friends and colleagues – anyone whose voice you hear saying something that doesn’t support “positive” efforts. Stick the list in an envelope, seal it, and tuck it away in a drawer – way in the back of the drawer. Better yet, if you can handle the symbolism, drop the envelope into the paper shredder.

Don’t take any voices on your sales calls that aren’t there to help you sell. We all have some head trash. You do have a choice what to do with it.
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